Personal Stylist | Wellington
Get to Know Me
"The best colour in the world is the one that looks good on you" Coco Chanel
I've always loved clothes and their power to improve your mood and project whatever you feel like to the world, so no surprises when I ended up working in the fashion industry as a Visual Merchandiser in various department stores. A highlight of this time was setting up the UK brand Next across NZ.
From there, I went on to manage various High St fashion shops, continuously honing my styling skills.
I decided to explore my love of clothes, fashion and styling more formally through through various courses, including an intensive workshop with US Image Consultant Brenda Kinsel who convinced me to become an Image Consultant. I ended up getting a distinction in the Diploma of Image Consultancy.
My obsession with clothes, fashion and style continues daily and I keep it up to date and relevant through consuming courses, podcasts, blogs, books, exhibitions, films and basically anything fashion and style related.
I've also been lucky enough to work at Dress for Success which aligns perfectly with my love of empowering women and giving them the tools to thrive whatever their lifestyle, background or budget.
Style Savvy (formerly Wardrobe Workouts) is my passion project and alongside my styling services, I love to share fashion and style advice, ideas and inspiration through social media and a monthly blog.
On a more personal note, I'm an "active relaxer" and love doing projects around our very old and rustic house which I share with Gordy, (husband), and Trevor (Fox Terrier). ​I'm a self confessed Europhile, love taking photos, bush walks, films oh and heavy rock.
A Little About Me
Diane Shaw Personal Sylist
"The best colour in the world is the one that looks good on you" Coco Chanel
I've always loved clothes and their power to improve your mood and project whatever you feel like to the world, so no surprises when I ended up working in the fashion industry as a Visual Merchandiser in various department stores. A highlight of this time was setting up the UK brand Next, across NZ.
From there, I went on to manage various High St fashion shops, honing my styling skills and realising the impact of the right outfit.
I decided to formalise my love of clothes, fashion and styling through various courses, including an intensive workshop with US Image Consultant Brenda Kinsel. Brenda convinced me to become an Image Consultant and I ended up with up with a Distinction in Diploma of Image Consultancy.
My obsession with clothes, colour, fashion and style continues on a daily basis and I keep it up to date and relevant through courses, podcasts, blogs, books, exhibitions, films and basically anything fashion and style related that will help me to help you.
I've also been lucky enough to work at Dress for Success which aligns perfectly with my love of empowering women and giving them the tools to thrive whatever their lifestyle, background or budget.
Style Savvy (formerly Wardrobe Workouts) is my passion project and alongside my styling services, I love to share fashion and style advice, ideas and inspiration through social media and a monthly blog.
I'd love to work with you and help inspire you to own your own personal style, so you get excited about getting dressed every day,